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NXP Foundation donates $450,000 to TU Graz to support STEM education

2023-11-16        View: 339

Gratkorn, November 13, 2023 – An important step has been taken to drive innovation in the Austrian education sector. The NXP Foundation, the non-profit organization of NXP Semiconductors, announced a generous donation of $450,000 to the Technical University of Graz (TU Graz) in Austria. The funding will be used for scholarships and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment aimed at promoting young people into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.


The official handover ceremony for this charitable donation was held on November 13 at the TU Graz Data House. Wolfgang Steinbauer, Chief Technology Officer of NXP Austria, officially presented the grant to Horst Bischof, Rector of TU Graz. Notable attendees also included Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, Minister of Economy, Science and Research, highlighting the importance of this collaboration.

Half of the total donation, $225,000, will be used for information security master’s scholarships. These scholarships not only provide financial support but will also be actively promoted to attract qualified applicants. The remaining US$225,000 will be earmarked for the establishment of an ultra-wideband technology (UWB) laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art equipment at the Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications of TU Graz.


UWB technology, known for its characteristics in positioning accuracy and fast data transmission over short distances, will find applications in the newly established laboratory. Focus areas include communications, positioning and sensor technology, with an emphasis on testing of positioning algorithms. The funds will be used primarily to purchase laboratory equipment for measuring system performance, including advanced optical tracking systems.


The strategic placement of the recently opened NXP office at the Data House on the Inffeldgasse campus is expected to further strengthen the partnership between the university and other stakeholders in the electronics industry. The infusion of these resources not only highlights the NXP Foundation’s commitment to education and technological advancement, but also positions TU Graz as a center for nurturing innovation and expertise in emerging research areas.

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